Facial Treatments


SkinPen Microneedling 

Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that creates thousands of microchannels that stimulate your body’s natural wound healing process, while minimizing cellular damage. This means that your skin rejuvenates naturally, and keeps the overall structure of the skin intact. 

SkinPen is clinically proven to improve the appearance of acne scars in people 22 and older in as few as three treatments spaced 30 days apart. This process is FDA-cleared and proven to be safe and effective on all skin types, with minimal downtime or discomfort.


Diamond Glow

Diamond Glow combines exfoliation, extraction and infusion to improve skin health and give you the glow you’ve been looking for! Patients instantly see improvements in tone, texture, hydration, signs of aging and more! This non-invasive, fully customizable treatment can treat a range of skin skin concerns for all skin types, including:

  • Rough Skin Texture

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Sallow Skin

  • Oily Skin

  • Dry/Dehydrated Skin

  • Sun Damage

  • Acne/Skin Congestion


This non-invasive procedure gently exfoliates the skin to diminish signs of aging. After a series of treatments, your skin can appear smoother, brighter, and more even in color.

Patients who receive the Microdermabrasion typically have:

  • Dull complexion

  • Uneven skin tone or texture

  • Age spots

  • Dark sports that appear when acne starts to clear

  • Melasma



Dermaplaning is a gentle, non-invasive form of manual exfoliation of the skin in which an aesthetician uses a tool to gently exfoliate the outermost layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”.

This process has been known to diminish fine linessmooth acne scarring, improve skin texture and tone, temporarily remove fine facial hair, generate new healthy cell growth and enhance penetration of skin care products. Once the process is finished, you will immediately see the results of smoother skin and a fresh skin appearance! 


Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is one of the most effective cosmetic treatments on the market—rejuvenating the skin using the body’s own regenerative properties. Treatment tightens and firms the skin, reduces redness and dark spots, heals acne and acne scars, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

PRP Facials use Platelet-Rich Plasma but instead of being localized to one part of the face, the PRP is micro-needled into the surface of the entire face.

There may be several days of redness after microneedling, but the redness quickly fades to reveal brighter, more youthful skin!


Treat your skin with an AnteAGE add-on! The AnteAGE growth factor solutions speed up healing while also decreasing post treatment downtime! Naturally younger, healthier skin is just one treatment away!



The Morpheus8 is a non-surgical advanced needling treatment that uses radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production. It is able to penetrate the skin at a deeper level than other needling treatments, transforming your complexion and restoring more youthful looking skin. By targeting deep skin layers, the treatment aims to stimulate collagen production while remodeling underlying fat and skin for a smoother, firmer appearance. The Morpheus8 is more than just a microneedling device - it’s a full-body, non-surgical, anti-aging tool capable of helping you achieve amazing results with radiofrequency technology.


Need an appointment?

Fill out the form, or give us a call at 903.757.3881 and a member of our team will be happy to help you!
